Submenú para Beyond Oasis de Sega Megadrive
Submenú para Beyond Oasis de Sega Megadrive

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Trucos de Beyond Oasis
Por Brunito (25-07-2010)

Trucos para el gamagenie:

Master Code: AABT-AA7R

Protection from most attacks: RFNA-A6YE

Start Game with 250 HP: 9JKT-AAH4, 9JLA-AAAA

Start Game with 500 HP: 8TKT-ACH4, 8TLA-ACAA

Start Game with 100 Rank: NTLA-AAAR

Start Game with 500 Rank: 8TLA-ACAR

Start Game with Omega Sword: 96KT-ALGT

Start Game with Metal Bow: 96KT-ATGT

Start Game with Hyper Bomb: 96KT-A0GT

Use MODE to cancel Spirit: NCFT-BNFT, BCFT-AAF0

SP doesn\'t decrease: REPT-C6XL

Don\'t lose SP on \'Hold A\' Spirit moves: REPT-C6YA

Almost Invincible: 83NA-AA2G

Ogres can\'t grab Ali: ACXT-CA6T

Worms can\'t grab Ali: AADT-EA30

Untouchable (Regular Hits): AW8T-AAHT

Invincible: MXFT-AAF4

Weapon turns infinite after use: 98CT-BE5J

Weapons are infinite: RGCT-A6XJ

Infinite weapons aren\'t infinite: ALCT-AA5E

Don\'t lose SP on \'Tap A\' Spirit moves: REPT-C6VR

"Service Pack" for Walking on Air codes: ABWA-AA9T

Disable Active Zones: ALFT-AA4W

Walking on Air: AGRA-BT3L

Walking on Air (Alternate): ABPA-AA58

Jump on Air: ABSA-AA6L

Por the__psicho (04-06-2008)
Por the__psicho (04-06-2008)
Galería de imágenes
Carátula de Beyond Oasis
Foto 1 de Beyond Oasis